Tuesday, April 26, 2011

DosBox: Run DOS Programs from Win Vista and Win 7

Windows 7 does not support the DOS programs. DosBox is an application which can fairly solve this issue. It is used to run DOS programs in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

Here is how to use DosBox application to run DOS games on windows vista and windows 7.
* Download the DosBox from http://sourceforge.net/projects/dosbox/ and install it on your computer.
* Put all your DOS programs in a single folder. To better organize programs, you can create subfolders. Keep the folder names simple.
* Launch the DosBox either from desktop shortcut or from start menu.
* Give the command on as “mount (drive letter)(folder location)” in the DosBox command. The drive letter is that which you want to use as a virtual drive.
* This will virtually mount your desired drive. Go to C drive by typing C: and then to see the content’s list type Dir. To access contents from a sub folder type CD (foldername).
* Find the .exe file. Type the name of the file to launch the program.

Here's wishing you a Good Boot.
Read more: http://beingpc.com/2011/04/dosbox-run-dos-programs-from-win-vista-and-win-7/#ixzz1KeFEjlhG

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